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  《中国病毒学(英文)》Virologica Sinica, 是中国科学院武汉病毒研究所和中国微生物学会共同主办的病毒学领域的专业学术期刊。本刊创刊于1986年,2007年出版语种变更为英文,2015年被SCIE收录,2022年变更为以金色开放获取模式出版的开源期刊(Open Access Journal),与科爱出版社合作全球出版传播。本刊为中国科技核心期刊,且被Science Citation Index(SCI)、Journal Citation Reports(JCR)、PubMed/Medline、PubMed Central、Scopus,以及中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)、中国科技论文与引文数据库(CSTPCD)等国内外重要数据库摘引和收录。

  期刊现任主编为石正丽研究员,编委会由国内外知名的90多位专家学者组成,其中海外编委比例超过40%。期刊栏目包括:研究论文(Research articles)、综述(Reviews)、短讯(Letters)和观点(Perspectives)等多种类型,采用单篇上线的出版模式,及时报道病毒学及分支领域的前沿研究及最新进展,包括病毒发现及监测,病毒致病机理、病毒-宿主相互作用、疫苗开发、抗病毒药物和疗法、病毒相关生物技术等多个生物医学相关领域,并每年出版特定主题的专集,助力国内外病毒学的科技创新发展。


  期刊为双月刊,全年6期,双月上旬出版。刊号:ISSN 1674-0769,eISSN 1995-820X,CN 42-1760/Q。

 · 论文评审专业高效,快速在线发表
 · PubMed/PMC/SCI等数据库及时收录
 · 论文开放获取,全球广泛传播
 · 平价出版费用

Virologica Sinica is an open access journal which aims at presenting the cutting-edge research on viruses all over the world. The journal publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, reviews, and letters to the editor, to encompass the latest developments in all branches of virology, including research on animal, plant and microbe viruses. The journal welcomes articles on virus discovery and characterization, viral epidemiology, viral pathogenesis, virus-host interaction, vaccine development, antiviral agents and therapies, and virus related bio-techniques. Virologica Sinica, the official journal of the Chinese Society for Microbiology, will serve as a platform for the communication and exchange of academic information and ideas in an international context.

The journal editorial board is composed of virologists, immunologists, biologists from a broad range of research fields worldwide to maintain the high standard of excellence for the journal. All submissions to Virologica Sinica are handled electronically, via ScholarOne online submission and review system. The journal is indexed by: Science Citation Index (SCI), Journal Citation Reports (JCR), PubMed/Medline, Pubmed Central, Scopus, BIOSIS, Google Scholar.

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